Jumat, 18 November 2011

"BUKITTINGGI" The Dream Land of Sumatera

Bukittinggi is one of the main municipalities of eight municipalities located in West Prov.Sumatera. And Bukittinggi is the second major city after the Padang. Bukittinggi has a cool air as it is situated between three mountains namely Marapi, Singgalang, and Tandikek.
Bukittinggi had previously been the capital of republic of Indonesia emergency rule (PDRI). And Bukittinggi is also known as a storehouse of the Muslim scholars such minang : Buya Hamka, Bung Hatta, etc. Bukittinggi is also known as a city tour of West Sumatra. In addition to its Clock Tower, known everywhere in city alone we can see the natural scenery of the canyon, known as Gorges Sianok and also there are the remnants of Japanese colonialism in the form of holes japan. Japanese legend says that the hole is very broad, and BKT city itself stands on the holes, but now many have closed.
In addition to this panorama, from the city we can also see the panorama of mountains background soothing eye.
And do not forget to culinary tour to his home to eat and buy crackers Kapau Sanjai who made souvenirs are known as chips Balado.

The development of tourism is one of the leading sectors for the city of Bukittinggi, the many interesting attractions, make this city dubbed as the "city tour". Currently in the town of Bukittinggi has been there about 60 hotels and 15 travel agencies. [30] Hotels located in cities such as The Hills Bukittinggi (formerly Novotel), Hotel Pusako and so on.

Sianok canyon valley is one of the main attractions. Panorama Park is located in the town of Bukittinggi allow tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. Inside the park there is also a cave Panorama hideaway former Japanese soldiers during World War II is referred to as Japan's Hole Bukittinggi.

In the park there is a replica Kanduang Bundo Tower House which serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, Bukittinggi Zoo and Fort de Kock is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the road A. Yani which is the main street in the town of Bukittinggi.

Pasa Ateh (pasas above) are adjacent to the Jam Gadang which is the center of the city. In the market there are many sellers Ateh handicrafts and embroidery [31] as well as snacks souvenirs typical of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips ala Sanjai area in London) is made from cassava, Karupuak Jangek made ​​from cow or buffalo leather and Karak Kaliang, a kind typical of Bukittinggi snacks shaped like a figure 8. Currently, he also has built several modern shopping centers in the city of Bukittinggi.

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